Kamis, 18 November 2021


I feel bad because today, one of my friends said that “Ngikutin kata kaka jadi salah”. Actually, I like being a tutor for all of my friends. But thing that you must realize is I am still basic, I same with you, same with my friends. I just already know before, but it doesn’t mean I know everything. If we wrong, no problem, it just study. We can learn from mistakes that we make. No problem if you are not belief to me, I just explain what I know. I accept if many theories or many things that I don’t know. I never take a course for a long period. Beside that, do you know if in the past, I hate English so much. I never want to study English. I like to be humility, but sometimes I afraid about expectation other people to me. I know if I only can control the things that I can control. Even though, as a human, I have emotion. Huft.

Honestly, sometimes I don’t like if someone said that I am “master”, “smart”, etc. Everyone has their weakness and strength, so you just believe on yourself. I don’t like to be praised too much. Other than that, praise can make me proud, but myself not developed. I feel satisfied and I am stuck. Please understand if we are learning together.

As far as I think, the incident that happened today make me remind to my behavior in the past. I can blame people that I think not competent. Haha. Maybe I get karma for what I did in the past. I think God want me to become a person that have more humility, not being arrogant, and not feel like I know everything. Thanks God. Remembering to how we use adab for any occasion, especially if we study. Don’t forget to respect your tutor, your mentor, or your teacher. Don’t compare one teacher to other teachers, especially don’t compare your friend to your tutor.

Then, because we learn together, feel free if you have reason or criticism if I wrong. I learn from our tutor, Mr. Irfan, he teaches me about Grammar. I proud of him because he can accept if we say that he wrong, or if he makes mistake, such as typo. He confesses is one of his weakness is often misspelled. He is very humble. He doesn’t think he knows best. He doesn’t underestimate us. He always cares about student condition. He ever said that become a tutor “Don’t be eagerness”. Also, I will always remember that advice. Sometimes, we as tutor doing pressure too much for our student because as a tutor, we have expectation that our student can have progress, but forget about if our student has each capability. We put aside the mental of our student. We just care about our ambition.

So, that’s all my story today. From my negative emotion, also I can learn something. Unexpected. I hope you can take a lesson from this article. See you to the next article. Bye. 

Continue reading OH MY GOD, I FEEL BAD

Senin, 15 November 2021

A Letter from Our Class (Read : Aisyah)

Actually, I had been in Pare for 3 weeks. I decided to come to Pare because one of my dreams is study abroad especially in Netherland. So, because of my English ability is weak, I want to improve it n Pare. I like a conducive environment which can support me in reaching my goal. Then, I decided to take English course at Ttitk Nol English Course because it provides various programs from Basic to IELTS. I think my ability in English still zero, so basic program is suitable for me. Maybe, I looked have more knowledgeable than my friend in our class, but in fact, many theories that I don’t know.

We have 4 tutors for 4 classes. Ms. Iim for Listening Class, Mr. Irfan for Grammar Class, Ms. Fatma for Reading Class, and Mr. An for Speaking Class. Our tutors are humble, friendly, and keep our spirit to learn. I feel passionate about attending all classes every day. But do you know? In the past, I did not really like English haha. I did not know why, as I listened to videos and read books, suddenly I could understand something I didn't understand before and I fell in love with English until now. In the past, I always asked how I could love English, even though the first way to be able in English is to love English.

Let me tell you about our speaking class, we have 9 students; Aisyah, Susi, Aska, Mar’ah, Zizi, Gita, Lutfi, Bian, and Kimstar. We had been taught for 2 weeks and this night, the admin informs us there are changes in the tutor. So sad, our speaking tutor has been changed. Two weeks may be a short time, but so memorable for me.

From left to right, there are Bian, Lutfi, Mar'ah, Susi, Mr. An, me, Aska, Zizi, and Kimstar

The first time I went to Speaking class, I felt bored because I came late and I did not know my tutor’s name. Then, he just explained what exists in our book, not interactive. I have an expectation about speaking class, it could be more practice than just listen. Haha. But do you know? Finally, from 4 tutors in our class, my favorite tutor is Mr. An, our speaking tutor.

I think I am not only learning English but also learning about life. The special advice that Mr An did or us was he gave us advice personally that suitable for our personality, such as I got advice “Jangan Cepat Puas”, I did not know how can I say “Jangan Cepat Puas in English, maybe “Don’t be satisfied” or “Don’t be complacent” or anything. I will always remember it because sometimes I have arrogance about my ability that can make me stuck. And, I am also searching for being humility that I haven’t before. Thanks Mr. for your advice. And then, I had discussed about grammar with him on WhatsApp and he gave me advice also. He said that “jangan lupa berdoa agar belajarnya juga dimudahkan” and when I have trouble with my mom about speaking, he can change my mind and give me spirit. Why that advice so deep for me, because in fact, I usually use my logic, my skill to be confident doing everything. I always have to be reminded that we have God that arranges everything, we just do what God has been arranged.

Thanks a lot, Mr for everything, maybe it become an interesting experience. Keep humble, Mr. Don’t forget me!

Continue reading A Letter from Our Class (Read : Aisyah)